Jun 16Liked by Harley Claes

Grateful to have discovered your page—my substack algorithm is answering my prayers & intentions~thank you for being here.

As for my rituals, the most important is spending time in the magnificence of nature. Mountains. Forests. Beaches. Finding those most sacred nooks and crannies that gently force my voice out of me like a Crystal Geyser of serenity.

At home, some incense, a cup of tea, and a candle. Breath. Prayer. Allowing.

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You are so kind! I love the vast vocabulary of your writing. I will absolutely dive into your stuff <3

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Jun 15Liked by Harley Claes

Oh wow, what a lush world! I had to read this over and over and caught new glimpses each time. The books of collages and pages overflowing onto the floor really stuck with me. I can feel the pages thick and rich with images and it makes me long for collages. I think I have a few books of old ones stashed away somewhere. The terrariums, too, feel warm and enchanting and suddenly i want to stick my hand into some moss!

I think i'd like to make some terrariums when I get back home. I'm housesitting right now so I don't have all my marvels and talismans surrounding me. But i have started making little bowls of the flowers I pick on my walks. And i did bring with me some candles though i am always unsure about burning incense in others houses, so i skipped it.

At home i also have piles and piles of books, and paper, and paints, and flowers. tiny jars and pots of ink. stacks of thick cut up paper that does or does not make it onto pages of journals. and I also burn arabian jasmine and nag champa, which made me laugh out loud when I read it. nag champa is common enough but the only other time i've encountered the jasmine is through my boyfriend.

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That sounds lovely! I totally see some parallels. I make these dried flower terrariums, really a lovely craft. You can get dried flowers at the craft store if that interests you

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